Monday, September 24, 2012

Featured Lindy Hopper - Youngwoo Joh

This week we highlight a musician, DJ, and dancer from Orlando who frequently travels to our scene in Tampa to guest DJ at The Lindy Connection or to just join in the dancing fun.  He also enjoys video games, late night "family dinners" at the Taco Bus after the dance, and long walks on the beach.  (I believe he's single too, ladies.)  

You've probably noticed by now that one of the key similarities between all of the featured Lindy Hoppers is their enthusiastic love of Lindy Hop, and that's something Woo has in spades.  Whether it's selecting just the right jazz tunes to play, or the way he moves on the dance floor, you can tell that the Lindy Hop is in his bones.

1) What types of dancing did you do before Lindy Hop? 

I didn't really do any other type of dancing (if you don't count the bit of hula I did for elementary school in Hawaii), though I did take two dance classes (ballroom and latin/salsa) at UCF before I started Lindy Hop.

2) How and when did you start Lindy Hopping? 

It was actually the UCF dance classes that finally got me motivated to check out the Swing Knights at UCF. This was back around the fall of 2008. However, technically speaking, I wouldn't say that I truly started Lindy Hopping until I went to Lindy Focus VII (2008), due to my fear of swingouts prior to that point. 

3) Have you traveled much for dancing? What is your favorite event you've attended? 

I've traveled a lot, but not as much as I'd like. The farthest I've gone for dancing thus far is Austin, Texas for Lone Star Championships. I'm not very good at playing favorites, though, but the fondest memory I have at the moment is of the latest Lindy 500 in Baltimore. 

4) If you could pick a song that makes you want to just get on the floor and cut-a-rug, what would you pick? 

Like I said, I'm not very good at playing favorites. I do, however, love pointing out songs that I feel are under-appreciated. One such song is Everything is Jumpin' performed by Artie Shaw and his orchestra. I also love songs that have subtle (and not-so-subtle) innuendo.

5) What drives you to keep dancing? 

This is a hard question. I'm not particularly competitive, but I do enjoy participating in competitions. I just enjoy Lindy Hop and finding new and exciting ways to express myself through the dance with and without a partner. 

6) Do you have a favorite dance memory? What is it? 

Again with the favorites! I don't really like this question, because I feel like my dance-related memories keep getting better as time goes on. So, instead, I'll be difficult and recall a memory that has stuck in my head. One time at a Southern Belle Swing Bash (a currently retired event), I ended up getting the bal-- *ahem* courage to ask Sharon Davis to dance. However, I was so concerned with the worry of her not thinking I was a very good dancer that I ended up dancing extremely vanilla. To this day, I use this memory to either scare me out of asking superstars, or to make sure I dance with them like I would anyone else I just met. 

7) What advice would you give to new Lindy Hoppers? 

Realize that you're not the greatest dancer in the world, but don't let that discourage you from continuing to dance. There's always something to work on, but you won't get very far if you don't let yourself enjoy it on your way up. Also, don't be afraid to ask the more experienced dancers to dance! 

8) Please share one video you find inspirational and explain why. 

Remember what I said about favorites? This time I have one! At least for now. Peter Strom and Jo Hoffberg's J&J performance at ILHC 2012 exemplifies some of my favorite things about Lindy Hop. There aren't a lot of flashy steps, but everything they do is deliberate and musical. Also, they adjust their styles to match each other in both synchronized and call-and-response situations.

Great video.  Peter and Jo are two of my favorites and this dance was amazing.

Thanks, Woo.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Featured Lindy Hopper - Heather Warner-Dubin

Our next featured Lindy Hopper has submerged herself in the scene since 2008 and seems to barely come up for air.  In other words, is there a dance in Tampa or Orlando tonight worth attending?  Yes?  Ok, you'll see her there.

She's also an avid traveler for Lindy Hop events, a Lindy Hop video guru, and has an never-ending drive to push her dancing further and further.  Oh, and she's pretty awesome too if you didn't gather that yet.

1) What types of dancing did you do before Lindy Hop? 

None. I danced around the house as a small child, but learned to hide in my room when I did it so no one would laugh at my clumsiness or my grand attempts at glory! Wait, does shakin' my tail in clubs during college count? No, I didn't think so... 

 2) How and when did you start Lindy Hopping? 

In September of 2008, I was a bit lost after unexpectedly returning to the U.S.A. after mission work. I went on a blind date to Zendah Grotto, and fell in love--with dancing; not the dude! East Coast Swing bored me after a few months, and I tried to learn Lindy. It didn't first. I persevered, attended a workshop at USF with Forrest and Sarah, Brendan and Andrea, and Hurley, and a month or so later I was at SoFLeX! 

3) Have you traveled much for dancing? What is your favorite event you've attended? 

I have traveled perhaps too much. I went to SoFLeX, ORLX, and CHEX my first year dancing, and then in 2010 I made myself the challenge to go to 12 out-of-town events, which I met. I've been to Lindy Focus in NC (fourth year this year!), Beantown in MA (my present favorite), Swing into Spring in SC, Satchmo Fest in NOLA, and about 10 non-workshop-based exchanges. I've danced with many instructors from around the globe, and I'll never regret any of the thousands of dollars poured into Lindy each year... 

4) If you could pick a song that makes you want to just get on the floor and cut-a-rug, what would you pick? 

Melissa stole mine! Haha... Go check out her interview! Dat's my JAM! 

5) What drives you to keep dancing? 

Perfectionism. Ha! But seriously, to paraphrase M.C. Escher, I do it because I want so very badly to do it well. Dance is like a language; in order to fully communicate what you wish, you must know tons of vocabulary and proper grammar, so constant practice and education is necessary. Dance is also improv art in an impassioned moment, and without easily-accessible skills, there is no way to create art fit for that moment of passion! 

6) Do you have a favorite dance memory? What is it? 

I have too many to recall on a whim, but my recent fave was a workshop with William and Maeva (French pros) where I finally understood the stretch in Lindy hop. I squealed and spun in circles in the middle of class! Or was it dancing with Bobby White...? Or...? Hm, too many... 

7) What advice would you give to new Lindy Hoppers? 

Go to ALL the free lessons you can, at AS MANY weekly dances as possible. When that stops producing results, get a private lesson from a local pro or go to a local workshop. Then TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL to as many workshop weekends or exchanges as your job and finances allow.

8) Please share with us a Lindy Hop video that you find inspiring to you.

I think I'm going to go with this video as I can't find any other where so much happens, and I gasped so often!

Thanks, Heather!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kevin and Jo and Ghosts?

Kevin and Jo Lindy Hop in the land of the dead.  I just love the cinematography and the dancing isn't half bad either.

This puts me in the mood for a Halloween dance where we all dress as ghosts.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Featured Lindy Hopper - Walter Ley

We're continuing our Featured Lindy Hopper series this week with another awesome individual, Walter Ley.

A fairly recent edition to the Tampa Lindy Hop scene, Walter has quickly picked up the dance and you can usually find him at almost all of the main dances every week.  Whether it's discussing this year's ILHC videos or making jokes over "Family Dinner" after the dance at Steak-n-Shake, Walter is as friendly and fun socially as he is on the dance floor.  He's not hard to spot, so ask him for a dance at the next Lindy Connection or strike up a conversation about something other than how tall he is.

I decided to highlight Walter because of the energy he brings to the dances every week.  He just exudes a love of Lindy Hop and you can tell that he is always practicing and improving.  A dance full of Watlers would be amazing to behold, for a number of reasons.

1) What types of dancing did you do before Lindy Hop?

East Coast swing was the first type of dancing I had ever done, and I began Lindy about 6 months after starting East Coast.

2) How and when did you start Lindy Hopping?

Janie Friedman and I first got seriously involved in Lindy Hop after going to a workshop taught by Sheven at the Zendah Grotto. After that we just learned from lessons that Seth taught at the Zendah Grotto. 

3) Have you traveled much for dancing? What is your favorite event you've attended?

Not nearly as much I would like to! My favorite, and pretty much only, event I've been to is Beantown 2012. There were so many great instructors who taught amazing lessons, and amazing dancers and bands that made to social dances a lot of fun.

4) If you could pick a song that makes you want to just get on the floor and cut-a-rug, what would you pick? 

Lately I've been listening to a lot of stuff by Gordon Webster. I think my favorite song of theirs is Five Foot Two.

5) What drives you to keep dancing?

I love the people and the music, and creating new patterns and variations. I love that no two nights of dancing are exactly the same, and there's always new things to learn, perfect, and make your own.

6) Do you have a favorite dance memory? What is it?

Definitely going to Beantown Camp with Margie Sweeny and Heather Warner-Dubin. The highlight of the camp for me was getting to dance with MaƩva Truntzer.

7) What advice would you give to new Lindy Hoppers?

Learn good technique early on from good dancers, because if you let yourself form bad habits, it can be very hard to break them early on. And also dancing and going to as many lessons as you can will really help you to get good quickly.

8) Please share with us a Lindy Hop video you find inspiring.

My favorite video is probably the ILHC 2011 Strictly because it's got so many great dancers with such a wide range of styles. 

Thanks, Walter!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Featured Lindy Hopper - Melissa Reilly

Here at Lindy Hop Weekly we're starting a new series featuring some of Tampa Bay's most awesome individuals who happen to love Lindy Hop.

This week Melissa Reilly was kind enough to answer some questions and send us some links. She's a very natural dancer with a diverse background and also happens to be one of the core group running The Lindy Connection every week.

(Photo: She's at the front with the red flower in her hair and the pink fan)

1) What types of dancing did you do before 
Lindy Hop?

Ballet, modern/contemporary, belly dancing, salsa, some tap, basic ballroom

2) How and when did you start Lindy Hopping? 

I started Lindy in 2005. I took a swing dance class at USF (not the Swinging Bulls) I received credit for it. The instructor brought up different places we can go social swing dancing. I first went to Gulf Port Casino and then I found out about Zendah. 

3) Have you traveled much for dancing? What is your favorite event you've attended? 

I haven’t traveled as much as I would like. I have been to SoFlex, Pittstop, San Francisco (9:20 Special and Lindy in the Park), Lindyfest in Houston, went to a Jazz Fest in Tokyo, Japan, and Dublindy in Dublin, Ireland. My favorite event would be Lindyfest and that is because I had instruction from the best. I also had the opportunity to dance with Skye Humphries and Peter Strom. This year I would like to go to Lindy Focus (finally!)

4) If you could pick a song that makes you want to just get on the floor and cut-a-rug, what would you pick? 

I love Sidney Bechet. If I would pick song it would be Blue My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me by Sidney Bechet. 

5) What drives you to keep dancing?

I really enjoy partner dancing. I also like the music and people. 

6) Do you have a favorite dance memory? What is it? 

Yes! It was when Dervon Chang, Patrick Foley, Mo’Joe, Matthew Keen, Pamela Stergios and I went in Bill Flanery’s motor home for SoFlex 2007. (Photo Right)

7) What advice would you give to new Lindy Hoppers?

My advice would be to social dance as much as possible. If you are able to, travel and go to different Lindy events. Dance with the pros!

8) Please share with us a Lindy Hop video you find inspiring.

I find this video pretty inspiring:)

Awesome pick.  That's one of my favorites too.

Thanks, Melissa!