Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Balboa Battle - Lindy Focus 2012

"Yeah, Balboa seems fine... but I just can't get into it.  It's a little boring for my taste."

"Balboa? Isn't that the one where you do that crazy stuff with your feet?"

"It's just not as exciting as Lindy Hop. It's just not my thing."

Don't get me wrong, for every uninformed or uninterested comment I've heard about Balboa I've also heard a similar interested response from someone who just didn't know how to get started.

So here's the deal - due to a large number of ladies (take note fellows) who have shown interest in learning more about Balboa, we'll be doing a 3 week series at The Lindy Connection starting February 9th.  We'll recap some fundamentals (which always need work, by the way) and add something new each week to expand your Bal-horizons.

I'll also be highlighting, this month, some great Balboa videos to help inspire you.

And for those of you who aren't convinced yet, did you watch the freaking video? This is a massive throwdown, fight to the death. This is a the place where tight/intricate footwork, awesome musicality, and ninja moves come together. Seriously.

I hope you also notice that our friend Matt Mitchell is in the video (who taught a ball lesson back in November at the LC.)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How Did I Miss This!?

How did I miss this and who are these two?  This is great!

Thanks to Kathrine Hancock and her 2013 Month to Month Challenge or I may not have seen this video.


Monday, January 14, 2013

SOFLEX - 2013

This weekend is SOFLEX 2013.  This is one of Florida's most popular Lindy Exchanges.

What are you looking forward to the most?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bal-Swing Focus at Lindy Focus

I love that they caught Bobby's intro the Open Balboa Finals.  He's makes some great points.  Yes, there are some really cool big moments in Bal-Swing, but don't miss the little stuff!

Tampa friends, you might also recall Matt Mitchell who came by in November.  He's the last lead starting at 12:23.
