Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jazz Steps and Swing-Outs Taste So Good Together - Uptown Swing

I like this - a lot.

This is a lesson recap from Uptown Swing by Peter Strom and Stacia Martin.  There's a whole lot here so watch it a few times.

They begin with a small routine with Jazz steps and then expand these steps into swing-outs.  Very very good stuff.

The Uptown Swing Lesson Recaps are similar to the 9:20 Special and Jam Cellar lesson recaps I've posted about before.  There's a wealth of learning available online, so use it to your advantage.

Bonus.  Here's another one I found that I thought you'd like:


Emma said...

Me likey.

cindiasaurus said...

I really like the move they do in the second video because I love the way they just interrupt a standard move. They start it out as a normal swing out and then just cut it short and do something different - but very fluidly. I love surprise endings. Nothing is more fun for me than when a lead gives me a surprise ending to a typical move that I can naturally follow. :)