Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tranky Doo Follow Up

In the time since I posted about the Tranky Doo I've noticed a lot of talk and excitement from fellow dancers in Tampa and Orlando.  I know a number of you have been practicing and joining in at the local dances.  That's great!

My friend Don Kruse recently found and shared a list of all of the moves and the order they go in.  Everyone learns differently and I know that having a written list like this is helpful to me since I'm very much a visual learner.  I hope it helps you too.

Feel free to print for your own use, and if you know Don tell him thanks and ask him for a dance.  He's one heck of a dancer and a gentleman.

*Not a picture of Don Kruse

Tranky Doo Choreography

Breaktime - 2 bars (comes during the last 2 bars of the intro)

Fall of the logs - 2 bars (comes during the first 2 bars of the head)

Scoot Around with side to side - 2 bars

Fall of the logs - 2 bars

Scoot Around with side to side - 2 bars

Push Downs - 2 bars (8,1 hold 2, hop 3, 4,5 hold 6, hop 7)

Boogie Forward - 2 bars

Push Downs - 2 bars (8,1 hold 2, hop 3, 4,5 hold 6, hop 7)

Boogie Forward - 2 bars

Apple Jacks - 4 bars

Rocks - 2 bars

Side Rocks - 2 bars

Shorty George - 2 bars

Boogie Back - 2 bars

Shorty George - 2 bars

Breaktime - 2 bars

Knee Slaps - 2 bars

Crossover - 2 bars (clap on

Suzy Q - 2 bars (hop and kick with left foot on 7)

Reverse Break - 2 bars (left leg up on 4, down on 5, hop back 7)

Messaround - 2 bars

Fall of the log Break - 2 bars (spread legs on five, together on 7)

Eagle Slide - 2 bars

Drop Boogies - 2 bars (right foot first, together on 7, kick right foot

Mambo Step - 4 bars (right point on 2, left 3, cross with right on 4 hold 5, left point on 6, step 

right 7, cross with left on 8 hold 1)

Step around - 2 bars

Jump, Fall, Hop - 2 bars (jump one, fall 2, hop 5 6 7

Truckin - 4 bars (cross on seven to hop back)

Hop Back with Left foot - 2 bars (kick with left on 7)

Kick Around - 2 bars

Strut - 4 bars

Box Step - 12 bars

Shout - 8 bars

Clap and Point - 8 bars

(song starts over from the head)

Fall of the logs - 2 bars (comes during the first 2 bars of the head)

Scoot Around with side to side - 2 bars

Breaktime - 2 bars

Fall of the logs - 2 bars

Scoot Around with side to side - 2 bars

Push Downs - 2 bars (8,1 hold 2, hop 3, 4,5 hold 6, hop 7)

Boogie Forward - 2 bars

Push Downs - 2 bars (8,1 hold 2, hop 3, 4,5 hold 6, hop 7)

Breaktime - 2 bars


Scot Alsop said...

So I was thinking about this on the way home from the dance practice and I wanted to bounce this idea off of you and your readers. If we want to get the dance community in Tampa and Orlando to perform the Tranky Doo...should we stick to the middle variation of steps. I think that if we have some people doing the outside variation, and some people doing the middle might start looking sloppy when we get larger groups. Thoughts?

Unknown said...

Makes sense. I hear rumblings of a lesson being set up at the Grotto. Maybe you could help teach?

Scot Alsop said...

A possibility...